Contribution Items

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*NOTE: You are not currently logged in as a member. To receive the full range of member discounts please log in.


No Products in this category
$0.00 - 2,000.00 USD


Again, this year, we are offering an additional incentive: a Redfield 64 Gun Fireproof Safe ($1,299 MSRP) for your support. While a monetary contribution or purchase is not required, for every contribution of $50 or more, you will receive a bonus entry for the safe. After that, every additional contribution of $10 will receive a bonus entry. The lucky
winner will be drawn on December 15, 2024.
Please make sure you hang this calendar with pride. Tell your friends
where you got it and encourage them to join TSRA. 
If you have already received a calendar and wish to contribute, please click on "amount to pay" at the bottom of the page.

Suggested Contribution: $20

Your generous contributions are the fuel that keeps TSRA’s legislative progress going.
Your support helps in many other ways, such as support for youth shooting and the State Championship matches.
Our annual calendar is one of the TSRA’s most essential fundraisers every year. I hope you will consider a generous contribution that will help us continue to serve Texans who enjoy shooting sports or just plain ol’ like guns. Thank you for your ongoing support.

We are requesting $20.00 contributions to help support TSRA.
For additional calendars, click the red button below.

Request Calendar

$10.00 - 2,000.00 USD
This calendar is at no cost to you, but if you wish to contribute to the Texas State Rifle Association, a contribution toward the 2025 Calendar will ensure that you are on the distribution list for next year’s calendar.

We take great pleasure in providing this service to you. Without your support, we would not be able to.

Suggested Contribution: $20

To make a contribution and not be mailed a calendar click the green button below
Calendar Contribution
$0.00 USD
Add to your cart to enter drawing
$0.00 USD
$0.00 - 2,000.00 USD


Suggested Contribution $20.00

We appreciate your support of TSRA over the years. Your support allows us to cover the day-to-day expenses of running an office, maintaining member records, and supporting Texas State Championship Matches. Please visit our match page to view upcoming matches.
Our members' contributions to our fundraisers help cover the costs of having a vigorous Legislative team that vigilantly protects your and other Texans' 2nd Amendment rights. During the bi-yearly Texas Legislative session, our contract lobbyist, Mark Borskey, is in the Texas Capitol almost daily, and often until the wee hours of the night. Ensuring that the pro-2nd Amendment bills are supported and the anti-gun bills are not is an ongoing challenge during a session.

Please feel free to request more return address label sheets by clicking the Request More Labels button below. 

Request More Labels

$0.00 - 2,000.00 USD
You are requesting additional mailing labels

Suggested Contribution: 10.00
$0.01 - 2,000.00 USD

No Products in this category
$0.01 - 2,000.00 USD
To Request additional patches, click the red button below:
Request Morale Patches

Have you already received your Patch and want to just make a contribution?
Continue to the bottom of the page and add to your cart.

  We humbly request that you contribute as much as you are able. Giving online through the TSRA.COM website helps us maximize valuable TSRA funds. However, we graciously appreciate the support of checks and credit cards sent by mail - whichever method is most convenient for you.

Remember, our strength lies in numbers. We strongly encourage you to invite your like-minded friends and family to join TSRA. Each and every one of you, through your membership and donations, plays an instrumental role in keeping TSRA strong and effective.

We sincerely appreciate your unwavering support. Together, let us continue to safeguard our rights and ensure a thriving future for TSRA.

John Poole
Executive Director
Texas State Rifle Association
$0.01 - 2,000.00 USD
For additional patches add to your cart
$200.00 - 499.00 USD

Crystal Desk Clock with Gold plate “TSRA Political Action Committee Supporter”
$1,000.00 - 2,000.00 USD
Gonzales Flag Gun Concealment Case
Large Compartment with RFID Lock

This Gonzales Flag gun concealment case contains one large compartment for maximum storage. The compartment locks and is lined with Kaizen closed cell foam that can be easily customized to fit any items you want to store. This case features a soft open lower door dampener on the bottom and a hydraulic lift strut on the top right.

Exterior Dimensions
39" wide x 26" tall x 4.25" Deep
Interior Compartment Dimensions 
35.5' x 24" x 2.25"
Texas State Flag Gun Concealment Case
This Texas State Flag gun concealment case features a hidden compartment with a Kaizen closed-cell foam liner and magnetic locks, which make our products the most secure and reliable on the market. It also includes digital RFID locks for an extra level of security.

Exterior Dimensions
20" Tall x 31" Wide x 3.5" Deep
Interior Compartment
17.25" x 9.25" x 2.25"

No Products in this category
$10.00 - 2,000.00 USD

Suggested Contribution $10.00

We appreciate your support of TSRA over the years. Your support allows us to cover the day-to-day expenses of running an office, maintaining member records, and supporting Texas State Championship Matches. Please visit our match page to view upcoming matches.
Our members' contributions help cover the costs of having a vigorous Legislative team that vigilantly protects your and other Texans' 2nd Amendment rights. During the bi-yearly Texas Legislative session, our contract lobbyist, Mark Borskey, is in the Texas Capitol almost daily, and often until the wee hours of the night. Ensuring that the pro-2nd Amendment bills are supported and the anti-gun bills are not is an ongoing challenge during a session.

$10.00 - 2,000.00 USD

New Gen Sticker

Suggested Contribution $10.00

We appreciate your support of TSRA over the years. Your support allows us to cover the day-to-day expenses of running an office, maintaining member records, and supporting Texas State Championship Matches. Please visit our match page to view upcoming matches.
Our members' contributions help cover the costs of having a vigorous Legislative team that vigilantly protects your and other Texans' 2nd Amendment rights. During the bi-yearly Texas Legislative session, our contract lobbyist, Mark Borskey, is in the Texas Capitol almost daily, and often until the wee hours of the night. Ensuring that the pro-2nd Amendment bills are supported and the anti-gun bills are not is an ongoing challenge during a session.

$10.00 - 2,000.00 USD

Reload Decals

Suggested Contribution $10.00

We appreciate your support of TSRA over the years. Your support allows us to cover the day-to-day expenses of running an office, maintaining member records, and supporting Texas State Championship Matches. Please visit our match page to view upcoming matches.
Our members' contributions help cover the costs of having a vigorous Legislative team that vigilantly protects your and other Texans' 2nd Amendment rights. During the bi-yearly Texas Legislative session, our contract lobbyist, Mark Borskey, is in the Texas Capitol almost daily, and often until the wee hours of the night. Ensuring that the pro-2nd Amendment bills are supported and the anti-gun bills are not is an ongoing challenge during a session.

No Products in this category
$39.95 - 2,000.00 USD


Suggested Contribution: $39.95

TSRA member, and retired Texas Ranger Sergeant, Joey Gordon has contributed many articles to the TSRA Sportsman since 2018. The stories typically revolve around firearms used by Texas Rangers and other Texas lawmen. In researching the stories, Joey travels around the state of Texas and makes phone calls to the people named in the story, relatives, or co-workers. He also travels to take photographs or requests photographs from those who have them.
$44.95 - 2,000.00 USD

Suggested Contribution: $44.95

TSRA member, and retired Texas Ranger Sergeant, Joey Gordon has contributed many articles to the TSRA Sportsman since 2018. The stories typically revolve around firearms used by Texas Rangers and other Texas lawmen. In researching the stories, Joey travels around the state of Texas and makes phone calls to the people named in the story, relatives, or co-workers. He also travels to take photographs or requests photographs from those who have them.